Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Pengendara di Jakarta sulit diajak disiplin

Jumlah warga yang tertabrak bus Transjakarta terus bertambah. Rendahnya kedisiplinan warga maupun pengemudi bus diduga menjadi faktor utama. Ini membuat banyak warga yang tewas secara sia-sia. Dalam sepekan ini, sudah tiga kali kecelakaan maut terjadi di jalur busway. Tiga orang, termasuk di antaranya seorang bocah yang baru membeli mainan dengan ayahnya, tewas seketika. Kondisi yang amat mengenaskan. Faktor kedisiplinan menjadi masalah utama. Di jalur busway koridor 8 Harmoni-Lebak Bulus, misalnya. Masih banyak pengendara yang melanggar lalu lintas. Baik sepeda motor maupun mobil sengaja memasuki jalur busway yang seharusnya steril. Angkutan umum, seperti metromoni atau taksi, pun kerap memasuki jalur busway. Mereka tidak ragu melintas separator jalan yang memisahkan jalur busway dan jalur kendaraan biasa. Bahkan pengendara motor terkadang nekat menyalip bus Transjakarta yang sedang melaju. Ada beberapa kendaraan yang akhirnya sempat diberhentikan polisi. Dari sekian banyak pengendara melanggar, hanya satu-dua yang ditilang. Sedangkan sisanya dibiarkan begitu saja melaju tepat di depan hidung polisi. Selain ketidakdisiplinan warga, kecelakaan di jalur busway juga kerap terjadi akibat pengemudi Transjakarta kerap mengemudi di atas rata-rata kecepatan yang ditentukan, yakni 50 kilometer per jam. Tak heran jika kecelakaan terkadang tak bisa terhindarkan karena pengemudi bus Transjakarta tidak bisa mengerem secara mendadak.

Conclusions / analysis:
Everyone will have different properties. There are good and some are bad. Sometimes it's bad qualities we can unwittingly make us wretched. But we never knew before the accident for coming. It helps us to prevent by learning to discipline anywhere, anytime. Indeed, in Jakarta this road too many riders making jams or irregularity in driving road users. An example that occurred in the lane busway. Irregular road users entering the busway lane to make the accident occurred. Though there are many traffic signs in pairs for motorists. But due to lack of awareness and indiscipline of road users, many who ignore the signs are so forced to enter the busway lane. Several factors are desperate motorists to enter the street busway, for example to avoid jams, rush, or the other.

In my opinion, it's an accident on track busway through no fault of the rider, but there may be negligence of the driver's own driving at high speed busway. For the riders have to be more obedient again to the guidelines that have been installed. The number of residents who cross at any place can also cause accidents. The government already provides facilities such as bridges to cross, but still many people who do not use it. Should the government held a socialization back into society until people understand the importance of orderly behavior on the highway. Especially for public transport drivers who usually likes to go around the busway entrance road with a variety of reasons. The police are on guard around the busway lane too often ignored, when it was the task of the police to ticket or give a stern warning to motorists entering the road busway. In my opinion the police is also unclear, and therefore only a ticket just a few road users while the other left off. Attitude is what should be accountable. It is the task of police to secure the highway is not just standing on the street and highway shall have the attitude to the police accost it. Busway driver also should not drive a vehicle at high speed. Due to the high-speed crash that could occur suddenly if the busway is not able to control the pace of the busway that crashed into the vehicle in front. Therefore, both the busway road users and motorists should be more careful and have a willingness to adhere to the guidelines that have been determined. Do not go around alone. Accidents experienced by the boy be a lesson for us to be more vigilant when on the highway.

SOURCE of Article : http://berita.liputan6.com/read/357243/pengendara-di-jakarta-sulit-diajak-disiplin

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